Friday, June 27, 2008

The Best Thing My Drill Ever Did

This is probably one of the simplest home improvement projects I've ever done - but the most important thing my drill has done lately. I have a barely two-year-old, whom I've written about extensively at my family blog. A few months ago he learned how to unbolt the front door, and has been doing so regularly, trying to escape. After a few near-misses, one of which I caught him before he made it to the street only because his pants were around his ankles and he couldn't run very fast, I high-tailed it to my local Home Depot. And bought this:

Since my son's life depended on it I couldn't wait around for anyone to install this for me. Good thing I'm pretty handy with a cordless drill. A Do It Herself project!

The package included screws and crappy directions. But in less than five minutes, with only my drill and one mistake, I had this:

With hinge-locks properly installed on our front and garage doors, my family is now safely locked it. Oh, and I hear they're good for security purposes too. If only that were my main concern.