Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss Me, I'm (pretend) Irish

I must deck my blog in green today to avoid a cyber pinch. My husband and I enjoy St. Patrick's Day, partly because it was the birthday of our beloved Brittany dog. But also because I love green and I love our yearly meal of corned beef, red potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. I wish we had it more often, but the grocery stores don't carry it year round.

Today we are headed down to Tucson to see Thomas & Friends Live! On Stage: A Circus Comes To Town, thanks to MomSelect. Should be fun & I will post pictures of our green finery and the show.


Kristin - The Goat said...

I didn't know about the Cyber Pinch until someone told me that she came by my place to make sure that I was dressed in green.

Congrats on the Irish Green :)