Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog it Forward

Today marks the beginning of the blogger mash-up, Blog It Forward, created and hosted by the lovely Victoria, from sfgirlbybay. The theme is "What Inspires You" and the idea is to feature 10 posts per day, with links forward and backwards to other participants. I am looking forward to reading as many of the 300 entries as I can in the next 6 weeks. I have an idea that I will find many more blogs to add to my reader. Click the banner to the left to see the schedule and list of all those participating. I was a little disappointed to see that my turn falls on the last day, but maybe reading all the other entries will make mine all the more fabulous!

Check out the 10 starting posts here:


Rebecca Irvine said...

This looks like fun. I will enjoy seeing all the posts myself!