Thursday, March 13, 2008

Counting the Days...

Next week our friends, the Johnsons, are coming to visit! It's been 18 months since we left Florida and Shannon & I still manage to stay caught up with each other's lives, to say the least. We saw Shannon and the girls this summer while we were in UT, but not Tom, and we are looking forward to seeing him this time too. In the midst of all the planning I realized I might want to clean up my house a little. And hey, it's spring cleaning time, so here's my list of things to do.

Clean out and disinfect the frig
Wipe down all cupboards, inside & out
Scrub floors on hands & knees
Vacuum couches & upholstery
Wipe down appliances
Scour bathrooms top to bottom
Wash windows, inside and out
Scrub window screens
Air mattresses and bedding
Dust fans & air vents
Get the carpets cleaned
Organize closets and storage areas
Clean out and sweep garage
Declutter and clean back porch
Weed front yard and trim trees & bushes
Install sprinkler system in back yard
Mulch and spread new grass seed in back yard
Paint exterior of house

So, what do you think? Can I get it all done in less than a week? Maybe I'll just guilt Shannon into helping me with everything once she gets here. Afterall, I just had a baby and am still recovering. Hope they're just happy with clean sheets. What are your must-do spring cleaning items?


Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

you are soooo much more ambitious than me. and it's even worse this spring since every time something falls on the carpet, or the "tile" in the bathroom curls at the edges, I just shrug and say "it's a rental, baby."

my spring cleaning basically involves washing the dishes before we eat off them.

Anonymous said...

"Can I get it all done in less than a week?" Bwahahahhahahahhha.
Nope. Girl you're dreaming!
But let me just say that your list left me feeling like our house needs a once over too! I'd LOVE to get all those things done in our house too....Just don't seem to have the time (or the inclination to try while looking after the kiddos.)
Clean sheets would be fine though. ;-)

tarable said...

My husband read this post and said, "You'll be lucky to get 3 things done." And I laughed and said, "I'm not really planning to do any of them, it's just a joke." Although I may actually clean my frig.

Lindsay said...

Ha! The joke was on me, but I actually believed you were so ambitious. Hey, I've seen what you do with this blog thing. I have a similar list of to-do's, but hope to get them done over time, and before the weather is so fabulous that I want to spend all my time frolicking carelessly in the sunshine because my home is SO clean and organized.