Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nukkle in the New Year

One of my most favorite things in the world is to have my back rubbed. I spent a lot of energy trying to coax back rubs out of my mom or sisters while we were growing up. And now my sweet husband rubs my back almost any time I ask. It all started the first time I was pregnant, when he was extra attentive. And it has continued pretty steadily, to my everlasting delight.

My husband is happy to spend the time rubbing my back, but his hands aren't very strong and we do much better with one of those massager, knobby things. Pretty much any variation of this:
We have tried quite a few, and my favorite is the Nukkles. I picked up one of these for under $5 at a bed and bath store a couple years ago and have abandoned all others. It's lasted quite a while, but it is made out of plastic and one of my kids cracked it a few months ago. We've still been using it but luckily my husband surprised me with a late Christmas gift and ordered a two pack from Amazon.

You can hold the nukkles with the palm of your hand and because it's flexible it will follow the contours of your body. There is much less hand fatigue by the massager, and much more relaxing time for the massagee. Ahhh, bliss. And a two-pack means twice the relaxation if you can convince your spouse to use both hands. There is a handy massage guide called, The Art of Nukkleing, which gives you some basic techniques to start with.

If you love a good back rub, put Nukkles on your Valentine's Day list - or buy a set for someone you love. It's a budget-friendly way to maintain your mental health and stay beautiful inside and out.

For more tips visit Works For Me Wednesday.


Audra Krell said...

Hi Tara,
What a nice tip! Great way to start the year off - thanks!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

That is a great idea for Valentine's Day.

Dick is always asking me to scratch or rub his back, especially in church. We look like one of those nauseating engaged couples, until one of the kids decides they HAVE to sit between us.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen these before! Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Aaaahhh....I can not wait to get knukkled!

Anonymous said...

Now that looks like something I really, really need. :) I've always wondered if those things work as well as they say.

Thank you.

Heather said...

Oh, that looks so nice! I wish hubby was home right now...

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Mmmmm, a backrub....

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great idea! My kids always try to use it on me when they see one at a store. LOL!

Kristin - The Goat said...

I have always wanted to know if those things work, if they are just uncomfortable -- sounds like you love it!

Come visit me today at The Goat

"J" said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - How I love back rubs!!!!!! =)

I just wanted to say thanks again for doing the stocking swap! My post is up!!!!!!! =)

It was a TON of FUN!