Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Civic Duty

Today is a general election day for Arizona. I don't have the greatest track record for politics or voting, but I voted today! I packed all three kids into the car, drove to a school, parked, put two kids in a stroller, and was helped by my friendly neighborhood poll-workers. And it went pretty smoothly. So I hope you're proud of me Uncle Sam (and Aaron) - I only wish I had heard of more than a few of the candidates. But I didn't feel like I could call my husband from the booth and ask him who to vote for. Looks like I have some work to do to educate myself. But I'm slowly getting there. I got this beautiful sticker as a badge for my hard work and dedication. They even gave some to my boys - future voters!

For a very interesting essay of VP hopeful, Sarah Palin, read Jane's blog, What About Mom.


Susan said...

Good for you! Eric always votes for both of us via mail-in ballots. I know that's not very independent or feminist or whatever of me, but we pretty much agree on all the issues, so it works. He's always informed, I never am, so there ya go.

Two things I have been meaning to tell you - (1) I saw on your Good Reads list that you wanted to read the Pirate Parenting book I reviewed on my blog. I saved it from the garage sale pile, so it's yours! One of these days, we'll have you guys over for dinner or swimming or SOMETHING and I'll give it to you. (2) I left you an award on my book blog.

See ya soon!

Rebecca Irvine said...

I liked the Sarah Palin essay on Jane's blog too. I have felt torn about her as a candidate myself. I admire her accomplishments as a woman, but hate to think about the stress and difficulties she will experience trying to balance work and motherhood. I couldn't do it.

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Way to vote!! Last time I took the kids with me to the polling station, I started crying when I was explaining the whole thing to Avery.

Even when we have a crowd of not-best candidates, our political system/form of government makes me very, very happy.

Thanks for the link!

Candice said...

Thanks for showing Shannon's link, I read it. I'm pretty intense when it comes to voting. I guess because I always think about the Women Suffrage movement and how hard women fought for the right to vote. I think that I shouldn't take that right for granted just cuz I'm feeling lazy or busy. Our old Bishop ran for state legislature and won by about 80 votes, tight!

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