Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Lonely Hearts Club? I Don't Think So!

My sweet husband is taking our two older boys away for the long holiday weekend and leaving me to my own amusements and the five month old nursing baby. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! What to do, what to plan, how to make the most of four whole days. I have a list a mile long but am categorizing it into the following:

Sleep - can not be emphasized enough! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Blogging, blogging, and more blogging! This will include some research, a project for my first official Do It Herself feature on Friday, writing, and helping a friend start her own blog.

  • Shopping - my pitifully small budget doesn't allow for a lot of buying, but that won't stop me from getting out there to look. I can also do a major grocery shopping run once I've made up a menu for the next week - and I will only have one kid, a small miracle!

  • Television - Project Runway marathon! I have five or six episodes waiting for me on TiVo. I also have several movies and any new shows this week, like My Boys, So You Think You Can Dance, and The Next Food Network Star.


  • Sewing - I'm not a great seamstress but I have a dozen little projects in the works, the worst of which include mending buttons, hems, patching holes, etc. The most interesting include making a pillowcase, PJ pants, and robe for my three year old, Alden, out of fun fabrics I've been picking up (Star Wars & Transformers).
  • Yardwork - namely, finishing our sprinklers and possibly installing the timer. I also need to mow, weed, trim, etc. But it's soooo hot!
  • A few projects I want to write about for my Do It Herself feature. Something for the boys' closet, some fun and useful things for the walls, and a revamp of some existing furniture. I obviously won't get all of these done, but I hope I'm whetting your appetite for future posts!


  • Floors! My one absolute must, except for dishes I guess
  • Scour master bathroom shower
  • Dust the whole house
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Wash windows
  • Throw away half the toys! We have way too many.

I could go on, but it's only four days, not a month. And I'm certainly not going to work too hard to get everything done. I just remembered I have to take the car into the shop for a burnt out headlight too. Well, I'm pretty sure it's close to the shopping mall... What would you do if you had four days to yourself?


Jane of Seagull Fountain said... 1

Wow, you are so ambitious, but I'm wondering if this list is like your to-do list from before we came for Spring Break?

If I had four days to myself, I'd probably spend most of it on the computer. Sad.

Candice said... 2

4 days? I think you need more like 4 weeks to do all that! But then again I forget that you are super woman! that is quite the list of things to do, you are very organized. Good luck with it all, and enjoy the quiet! We will have fun with all of your boys up here! I asked Alden today if he missed Emmett, and he asked what that meant. I explained it to him and said "no, I only kinda miss Mom and Dad, but not Emmett or Roland". Remind me to tell you about him buying a motorcycle when he gets big, its a cute story.

Lindsay said... 3

I would definitely carve our some TV time. I'm apparently loving the same shows you're loving! So You Think You Can Dance (AKA SYTYCD)and Food Network Star (I heart Bobby Flay) are my current faves. But I'm looking forward to the next season of Project Runway, and that Sheer Genius is intriguing me . . . And I wonder why I don't time to launch my blog?

Susan said... 4

I'm jealous of all that me time! So fun. I just don't understand why you're going to spend it working. I say, relax and enjoy the quiet.