Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Runway Finale - TGIF!

Thank goodness it's finished! This is seemed like the longest season ever, probably because I have posted recaps of every single episode. Also the designers didn't seem nearly as talented as in past seasons. But it was fun to see the runway shows of our three women finalists. Not much drama before the shows, except for Korto deciding to make two completely new looks. Hello, is she crazy? All the drama was saved for Bryant Park.

Once again, what's up with Bravo having final runway collections for the top SIX designers? What does that mean?

Kenley was up first and I really liked most of the pieces in her collection. She had a lot of bright colors, some beautiful prints, and very feminine, ladylike shapes. She used her wedding dress, which somehow didn't look as good as last week. I don't know if she reworked it, or just used different accessories. She also used her bridesmaid's dress from last week, which was smart because she knew the judges loved it.

My favorite was the black cocktail dress. It was perfectly fitted on the model, and very chic & sophisticated. The second outfit pictured below, the green ruffled-neck top & black skirt, didn't impress me from straight on - it was too plunging for me. But I love this side view of it. And you catch the swirl of the skirt. The next outfit, with the huge black tulle skirt was really cute - except for the squares of black right over the model's chest. That seriously bugs. The printed dress was my least favorite. It's wonderful that Kenley hand painted the design, but it ends up being too much for a dress. It would have been a nice top, with a solid skirt or pants. Did Kenley have any pants? Nope. She did a great job though, despite her poor choice of boring, monotone music. Why do they so seldom have good music?

Korto came next and I was completely blown away by her first dress. It looked like liquid silk poured down the model's body. AMAZING! I really liked all Korto's outfits except the two in that hideous brown taupe color from last week. Why did she do more of it? Aack! The jewelry was inspiring and those cute little fans were very clever.

My other Korto favorites: the kelly green short dress with the interesting pleated, funnel neck; the floral printed dress with yellow banded middle & halter top, and the white pant suit. I loved seeing pants, and the all-white outfit was very crisp. The cut of the pants was very flattering. The long green halter dress was Michael's favorite, and the last picture is of one of the ugly taupe dresses.

Sidenote: I have to admit, I don't always look at the models' faces, but I noticed the one in Korto's super short green mini dress. It was Bianca Golden from Cycle 9 of America's Next Top Model. And the model in the other short green dress (2nd below) sure looked like Dani Evans, winner of Cycle 10, but I'm not sure.

Leanne showed last. For the last six or seven weeks I've been feeling like Leanne was going to win the whole thing (and I was right). But I'm not necessarily happy about it. While I liked many of her pieces individually, there wasn't enough variation in color and style in her collection. Yes, she had pants, skirts, shorts, and dresses, but the collection got a little boring. And although I liked the look of her "petals," how are they supposed to lie? Are they supposed to twirl one way? The blue vest/top with the pants looked like one of its petals was flopped the wrong way, but how do you know?

My favorite look was the first pictured below. I loved the top, with its spaghetti straps & off the shoulder ruffles. The skirt was understated, but still interesting. I really liked the high-waisted pants that Leanne did, but was not sure about the top. I don't know what to make of the little piece that hangs down in the middle. The worst thing in the whole collection was the skirt in the last picture below. It looks hideous on the model, and would be worse on anyone larger than a size 2. I don't like the top either.

I really liked the wedge shoes Leanne paired with many of her looks. I hate those booties that are so popular right now - she had some on herself. Okay, I just went back and looked, every model had on the same pair of shoes. Interesting cohesion. Their hair-dos were all the same too, all except for the girl whose hair was cropped close to her head. I liked the shoes & hair.

Korto's collection had my favorite piece, but I really think those two taupe dresses knocked her out of the running. Kenley had a lot of good, colorful stuff - but she's just not sophisticated and original enough. Leanne is original, innovative, and had the most cohesive collection. Congratulations to Leanne, she takes home the big prize!

ps - sorry for the constant switching from past to present tense. sometimes i'm talking about what i watched on the show. sometimes i'm talking about how i feel about the pictures. and i was way too tired to edit it to consistency.


Robyn said...

Yeah, I'm so glad this one's over. It just didn't have the right feel all the way through it.

Korto got shortchanged. I felt the same way about that first dress. Unbelievably stunning. Gorgeous.

Leanne's was boring after a bit. I think it was the sustainable fabrics that won for her. It showed her forward thinking. And its place in the industry.

Kenley, as I've stated before, should be a textile designer. She'd be fulfilled on a level she can't seem to attain in the clothing design world.

Great season of wrap ups Tara! I look forward to the Lifetime episodes!

Megan said...

Thanks for giving me my fix. We don't have cable any more.

That model from ANTM is not Bianca. It could be winner Dani though.


Stephanie said...

Ditto to pretty much everything you said. Just wanted you to know I was reading. :)

Anonymous said...

great job on your blog... seems a lot of people liked korto... and yet Leanne won with those petals... who knows???
thanks for the blog... and hey happy birthday... you had quite a week... and a great husband..

Kristin - The Goat said...

I'm so glad that someone else noticed the ANTM models in the show. I'm also so glad that you said Bianca's name, because I couldn't think of it! That is Dani in the middle length green dress.

I've really enjoyed your recaps - It takes a lot of work to do them - thanks!!

Unknown said...

I still haven't seen the finale, but I feel dissappointed about this. I just didn't love the winner as much as some others. Hmmmmmmmmm. I will have to process this some more! Thanks for sharing though!

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

I thought the hand-painted dress looked like one I got at DI a few years ago. And not in a good way.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Okay, I totally hate those little booties too. So ugly! Ditto on the comment about sustainable fabrics sealing the deal for Leanne.