Sunday, November 16, 2008

flickr mosaics

I got this cool idea from Ali at Ali Loves Curtis. (Via The Scoop via Somewhere in Middle America via Wonderful One Times One.) It's a mosaic of my well-rounded life made from Flickr photos.

First, you answer these twelve questions.

01. What is your first name? (Tara)
02. What is your favorite food? (pancakes)
03. What high school did you attend? (Mountain View High School)
04. What is your favorite color? (Purple)
05. Who is your celebrity crush? (Pierce Brosnan)
06. Favorite drink? (Mt. Dew)
07. Dream vacation? (Italy)
08. Favorite dessert? (cake)
09. What do you want to be when you grow up? (a grandmother)
10. What do you love most in life? (family)
11. One word to describe you (mother)
12. Your Flickr name (The Well-Rounded Woman)

Then you build a mosaic by typing your answers one by one into Flickr's search function. You choose one photo for each of your answers, and you can only use images that appear on the first page of search results. Get the details here.


Jennifer said...

Wow Tara! Those photos are really cool. And that quiz looks like a lot of fun since you get to find all the photos- I am just wondering how you put them all together like that.
I love your description!

tarable said...

I'm not sure what Jennie means about my descriptions. If she means the ones right under the collage, those are actually the names of the photos (and links) I used from flickr.

If you looking for someplace to make a collage of pictures, check out the link in this post. It's on the last paragraph - click on "mosaic." Lots of software will make collages too - Picasa, Snag It, Photoshop, etc.

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

I can't love Pierce Brosnan any more after seeing him in Mamma Mia.

But as long as you love the Mtn. Dew, we're cool.